Wednesday, October 5, 2011

27 days and counting...

We haven't been very good about updating this blog along the way, but I promise to try and get better, especially once we are there!!

We have less than a month to go before we leave and I cannot believe that it is so close. Drew and I are both working part-time jobs and have been working like 80 hours a week in preparation for the big move. Drew is waiting tables at Woodmont Grill and I am working at Shady Grove Hospital and Maddy's Bar and Grille. We haven't been seeing a whole lot of each other lately, but we'll make up for it once we are living in the islands!!

Since I last posted, Drew and I both resigned from our full time jobs. It was well taken by both. I was really nervous about leaving Fairfax County Public Schools during the school year. Before I resigned, I reviewed by contract which basically will be banished from the county if you break your contract. With my anxiety level at its highest, I had the hard conversation with my supervisor. Luckily, he was extremely supportive and even asked if I could commit to coming back next school year. I told  him that I couldn't make that commitment at this time, but it felt great to get that reaction. Drew is counting down the days before his time at NCCF is over. It will be bitter sweet...he's been working at the group home for 5 years!!

We have made some progress with our plans once we arrive to St. Croix. We are renting a condo in Questa Verde for the first week we are there. Its a two bedroom condo and is way more space then we will need. Too bad we won't have visitors that week. We have been referred to real estate agents and hope to see some apartments and sign a 6 month lease that first week.

We have made arrangements to ship my Mustang as well. We put a lot of thought into buying a car, but decided it made more sense to bring mine. Used cars there are limited on the island and because of that, they can be way overpriced. And, you never know what you are going to get with a used car!!! So, if all goes as planned, the Mustang will arrive the day before we do. Thanks to Chris Fowler who is helping us get it to Jacksonville, FL to ship!!!

No job leads yet. We are hoping to relax the first couple of weeks, anyhow!!!

So, 2 1/2 more weeks of work. Then, we pack up and move our belongings to storage on 10/24 (anyone free to help??), leave for Boston of 10/26, spend some time with the Hopley's and then we are off to St. Croix on November 1!!!

Those of you in the DC area, mark your calendars for Saturday, 10/22. Going Away Celebration at Maddy's Bar and Grille, 8:30pm!!!

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